Overview EN Markus 20. January 2024

Bio❘me❘stimulants for Agriculture

  • ekolive has selected the most suitable minerals out of more than 100 different minerals tested and developed two bio❘me❘stimulants: ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant, as well as one innovative bio❘me❘regenerator: ekofertile® soil.
  • Mutually recognized and listed for organic farming in various EU countries.
  • ekolive works with some of the largest food companies in the world to find solutions to many of their farmers' problems and to regenerate the soil and microbiome.

ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant are listed for use in organic farming, but can also be used in conventional agriculture as bioenhancers to make the use of agrochemicals more efficient.

  • Long-term secured agricultural profitability through significant improvement in soil quality and the microbiome.
  • Ensuring fertile soil for future generations.
  • Direct added value for farmers: a pesticide-free ecosystem for food production with at least the same yield.
  • Direct added value for consumers: safe and healthy food.

ekofertile® plant

microfertile® plant