References from our Customers and Test Results
- At ekolive, we are proud to partner with customers all around the world who share our commitment to sustainable and innovative agricultural solutions.
- Our products are continuously tested through various institutions/universities in diverse environments to ensure they deliver reliable results.
- Here is how our products, ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant, have transformed farming practices and helped to achieve outstanding results.
Our References
"Olive trees recover from the shock of the move and grow faster, citrus fruits become greener, treated plants are the first to be sold because they are visibly larger and healthier."
ekofertile® plant in the Gardencenter
"The barley has become healthier and higher yielding - the same goes for the potatoes - more and bigger potatoes, two weeks earlier in development, no black spots from fungal diseases, while the rest of the field was affected by fungal diseases."
ekofertile® plant on the Island of Amrun
"We were able to increase the sugar content from 16 to 20% ..."
ekofertile® plant on sugar beets
"No signs of leaf spot, no signs of fungal attack. I've never seen a root system like this on a potatoe."
ekofertile® plant on potatoes
"Annual strawberries (Dark select variety) have an average of 4-5 fruits and are only profitable in the second year; with the use of ekofertile® plant, there were already 12 fruits on average in the first year - so already profitable. The sugar content has increased by 150%; this has also been confirmed by the alcohol production, which has tripled."
"Compared to untreated roses, we have faster growth and earlier flowering. In the coming vegetation period, we will test the application on the rootstocks of roses."
"... higher yield and more sugar after two applications of 10 l/ha ..."
ekofertile® plant on sugar beets
"Normaly we have problems with fungal infestation at this time of year and under these weather conditions. Not this year. Since September, we have treated all football fields at least every 14 days ..."
ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant on sport fields
"Apple trees treated with ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant have visibly higher green mass and darker green leaves which indicates healthier and stronger status of trees. It was also seen that treated apple trees have higher resistance towards powdery mildew which was lesser in treated trees."
"I treated one of our «problem oleanders» with ekofertile® plant, it was all yellow, now it's green and blooming, thanks for the products."
ekorfertile® plant on Oleander
"microfertile® plant against frost and then ekofertile® plant (treatment). Such a yield despite the temperatures below zero."
microfertile® plant and ekofertile® plant on plum trees
"I also used ekofertile® plant on my completely dried out thuja trees. After about six applications, you can't even see that it was dry. So I recommend the product."
"Well, you see, here is treated wheat with the bio|me|stimulants. You can see that the wheat is greener, healthier, it's still alive, the leaves are nice."
ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant on wheat
"ekofertile® pays off! The same climate, same soil conditions for both fields but the difference is obvious. We applied it twice last year and the potato yield was about 25% bigger than usual. We are definitely satisfied with ekofertile and can only recommend."
ekofertile® plant on potatoes
"As far as microfertile® is concerned, I am very satisfied. The treated grain has strong stalks, is top green and healthy, farmers also noticed this. We also use it on maize, because the spring is a bit cool, maize needs warmth… it has got a noticeable swing and everyone is happy."
microfertile® plant on grain and maize
"We observed only positive effects in our measurements. Strawberries had noticeably richer leaves, the root area increased. Noticeable increase in fruit size, also higher yield. The expansion of the root system was already visible after this single application."
ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant on strawberries
"Cabbage plants treated with ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant showed good growth and higher yields compared to untreated plants. We are satisfied with the use of these sustainable products and the collaboration in general."
ekofertile® plant and microfertile® plant on cabbage